Yang Lan: AI helps humans live more like humans

In a recent discussion, Kai-Fu Lee, a leading AI expert worldwide, and Yang Lan, a leading broadcast journalist, shared their perspectives on the evolving role of AI in daily life. Lee emphasized that humans inherently seek meaningful interactions with others rather than with AI, and that elderly people prefer human care over AI assistance. Yang … Continue reading Yang Lan: AI helps humans live more like humans

Virtual humans helping spur e-commerce

Digital human technologies used for livestreaming sessions are displayed at the 4th China International Consumer Products Expo in Haikou, Hainan province, in April. LUO YUNFEI/CHINA NEWS SERVICE An artificial intelligence-powered digital doppelganger of Liu Qiangdong, Chinese e-commerce giant JD’s founder and chairman, appeared in two of the firm’s livestreaming rooms in April to promote a variety … Continue reading Virtual humans helping spur e-commerce